
Akua Gyekye

Akua Gyekye is Facebook’s EMEA Regional Program Manager leading the company’s election integrity efforts for all elections in Africa. Prior to this, Akua was Facebook’s Public Policy Manager for Anglophone West Africa and has been with the company for 5 years. 

Before joining Facebook, Akua was working as a project finance lawyer, qualified to practice in New York and the United Kingdom, in the Finance & Capital Markets practice of the law firm Clifford Chance. Akua previously worked in Nigeria and Liberia as a legal adviser and rule of law specialist at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation and as an anti-corruption lawyer at USAID. Akua also has years of experience working for and with a variety of government departments, NGOs and international think tanks in Europe, the US and in various countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Akua holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Society with minors in International Relations and Spanish from American University, a Law Degree from Cambridge University in England and a Master of Laws in International and Comparative Law from The George Washington University Law School. She is also qualified to practice law in New York and the United Kingdom.

In 2019, Akua was selected for a Most Influential Person of African Descent (MIPAD) Award in the Politics & Government category. This recognition occurred in line with the United Nations proclaiming the years between 2015 and 2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent.

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