
Chris Spring

Dr Chris Spring Is an artist and writer www.chrisspring.co.uk based at the West London Art Factory. He has curated many exhibitions on the arts of Africa at the British Museum and other venues, most of which featured work by contemporary artists, including: The Sainsbury African Galleries (2001), La Bouche du Roi by Romuald Hazoumé (2007), Social Fabric: Textiles of Eastern and Southern Africa (2013), South Africa, Art of a Nation (2016) with John Giblin, Human Nature: Barthélémy Toguo (2019).

His books include Angaza Afrika: African Art Now (2008), (Winner the ART BOOK AWARD for 2009), African Textiles Today (2012), (Winner: Choice (USA) award for outstanding academic title) African Art Close Up (2013) and South Africa, Art of a Nation (2016) with John Giblin. Chris is an ambassador for The Africa Centre, London and a trustee of the October Gallery. His first novel, Ted & Pterry will be published in 2021.



[Photo: Hassan Hajjaj]