
Daniel Manjarrés

Daniel Manjarrés Usaquén is the Institutional Relations Advisor for the Brazilian non-governmental organization Instituto Feira Preta / PretaHub. He is an Architect from the National University of Colombia, Master in Publishing from the University of Salamanca (Spain), and Master in Museology from the University of São Paulo (Brazil). His work focuses on managing creativity and the values of cultural identity to allow the economic empowerment of people and communities historically excluded: women, black, indigenous, and LGBTQIA+. His purpose is to support financial, social, and cultural inclusion, so he has worked for this from the public and private sectors, academia, social organizations, and mainly, with people and their communities.

He was the Coordinator of the Museum of Bogotá and has worked in different organizations such as the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History, the Corporation for the Promotion and Diffusion of Culture, the World Bank, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia, the Regional Center for the Promotion of Books and Reading in Latin America and the Caribbean — CERLALC-UNESCO, and the British Council.

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