
Sena Voncujovi

Sena is currently a Yenching Scholar at Peking University (China) and the Chief Editor of Peking University’s Africa Think Tank (PATT). He graduated from Middlebury College (U.S) as a Davis United World College Scholar and studied Political Science, Economics, and African Studies.

Post-graduation, he worked at Ashinaga Foundation in Tokyo providing entrepreneurship, leadership, and career development training to students from 49 African countries. As a proud African traditionalist, he founded ReVodution to digitally preserve and demystify the West African spiritual and herbal traditions of Ewe Vodu (Voodoo).

In Japan, he co-founded Jaspora, a community of hundreds of African and Japanese businessmen, diplomats, and change-makers that meet monthly to discuss issues related to African development and African Diasporan identity. Sena also served as an adviser to the Ghanaian government for TICAD 7 (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) and aspires to economically and culturally bridge Asia and Africa.

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