
Ngozi Ngoka

Ngozi Ngoka is the Vice President of the Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN) with oversight functions for Nigeria’s South-East States of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States. She is a passionate advocate for community tourism as a tool for economic emancipation of rural communities.

She began her professional career at the logistics department of a construction company but soon realized her passion was for people, travel, history and culture. She decided to pursue a career in tourism and consequently proceeded to study for a postgraduate degree in Tourism, Culture and Society at the University of Westminster, UK. She also took professional courses in Creating Attractions, Global Festivals and Events Management.

After working at Choice Holidays and Thomas Cook in the United Kingdom, she returned to Nigeria in 2001 to establish Zigona Travel and Tours Ltd, a travel management company with a niche for bespoke travel experiences and destination events for the upscale market.

Ngozi is well known and recognized on the African continent and internationally for her mentoring work and contributions to the Travel and Tourism Industry. She frequently participates in global tourism trade shows and conferences and has provided tourism advisory services for two State Governments in Nigeria and to South African Tourism.

She is a member of the Nigeria Mirror Committee, set up by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) to make recommendations for grading and standardization of hotels and tourism facilities in Nigeria. Her previous roles include Director General of the Imo State Tourism Board and Trustee Board Chairperson of the Touristry Consultants Forum. She is also the recipient of The Pyne Awards for Tourism and a judge for the World Travel Market Awards which holds every year in Capetown.

She holds a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Benin, Nigeria.

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